طراحی سایت Dayholding
Day Holding helps to improve healthcare by providing a broad range of professional solution. We are one of the Iran’s largest provider of pharmaceutical commercial services. We use the breadth and depth of our service offerings, our therapeutic, scientific and analytics expertise to help our pharmaceutical Partners, as well as other healthcare pharmaceutical companies, navigate the increasingly complex healthcare environment to improve efficiency and to deliver better healthcare outcomes.
website: Dayholding.com
- سال 2020
- عنوان پروژه Web Design , SEO
- دسته بندی نمونه کارها , وب سایت ایرانی
- برچسب ها طراح سایت , طراحی سایت انگلیسی , طراحی سایت تبلیغاتی , طراحی سایت خدماتی , طراحی سایت شیراز , طراحی سایت و سئو , وردپرس